27 Jan 2023, 15:00
EXCLUSIVE NFT AUCTION From famous NFT artist and poet Vasily Popov, who launched NFT into Space for the first time in the world 🛸! This NFT will go on sale at a starting price of 999 ETH (over $1.5 million) 😱 And he created a new NFT with Nikolay Shkilev, PhD (our CEO and famous Mentor/Advisor) Start price only from 1 ETH: What does the auction winner get: 1 - Two free detailed advice from me personally on your project or two personal consultations 2 - Mention or share a photo on Instagram or any other social networks 3 - Membership in the Private Business Club for a year 4 - 2 months for free getting insides in crypto, lifehacks in a private chat with me in Telegram group 5 - The opportunity to work with our Marketing Hub, become part of our team. Well, that's not all We also came up with a secondary market for this NFT: Anyone who buys this NFT gets exactly the same opportunities as the first buyer. Exactly the same set of services. All details here. Hurry up!